Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tues. Apr. 2 Day 83        50F/10C @ 8:15AM,    62F/16C @ 10AM,     66F/19C @ 12:30PM.

I went out for the Tuesday Breakfast Club however. Sheila was running a slight temp and coughing and not feeling great so she slept in. I came back & she was up but decided to skip water volleyball, I went up to the pool and had a good game.  With people leaving we had one pool only but we had 8 to 10 on a side most of the game as people came and left.  Back at the RV Sheila seemed to be getting what I have so she wanted to go to a local clinic.  I reluctantly agreed to go even though I though I was slowly getting better, (very slowly though).  So after lunch we went to one clinic when we found one that would direct bill our insurance.  When we got there we discovered that our insurance has a deductable - $99.00.  So we decided that only I would go in to see the Doctor.  Turns out it is bronchitis type thing and I was given 2 prescriptions, one for the coughing plus an antibiotic.  The cough syrup has Codeine in it and works marvellously.  The antibiotic, 10 pills, I have to take for 10 days, 1 pill a day.  Back to the RV for supper then after which Sheila did R & R & watched DwS.  I went up to a room in the club house with Larry & Judy and Mel, (a water volley ball player), and we played Bridge for about 2½ hours, changing partners ever 6 hands. Then I came back to the RV to watch “Body of Proof”.  I already feel better after 3 shots of cough med, (supposed to be 1 tsp every 6 hours), & one antibiotic pill.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, hope you feel better soon and Sheila's version doesn't develop into bronchitis as well!
