Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sun. Mar. 31st Easter Sunday  Day 81.    I forgot to check temp, but it’s like yesterday.

We got up sort of early to go to a church in Hemet that is putting on a special Easter presentation of the Easter Story – “Upon the Rock,” no service, just dialogue and singing in costume by the choir & the minister.  It was good.  We tried to be there by 10AM as they had a social gathering in the outdoor courtyard with coffee, cake/cupcakes with icing, and fresh fruit before the program.  Then, after the program, we came back out for more cake, fruit & drinks, (Kool-Aid type). It was all very pleasant on a nice warm morning.  Then, we returned to the RV to prepare for this afternoon’s Easter dinner in the ballroom.  GVP is providing a ham for 16 people, and we bring the other dishes.  Everyone signs up under a table # & lists what they want to bring so it all works out well.  Sheila made her yams in orange sauce that were popular, one lady asked for the recipe.  We brought back some yams & quite a bit of left over ham. We sat at a table with 6 other Canadians from Alberta & BC.  Larry & Judy sat near us at a table with 2 American ladies.  After a pleasant evening of good food & interesting conversation, we returned home for Sheila to watch TV—“Red Widow” etc.


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