Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tues. Apr. 9   Day 89   Sunny & clear

Sheila’s feeling a bit better this morning but still thinking she wants to see a Dr to get an antibiotic prescription. She did ask the campground host about the GPS mess & they said a lot of people have had a problem with it taking them way west; some even got taken north of the park – really odd.  So today, the plan is to get to the Elks Lodge RV Park in Red Bluff where we can stay a day or more at a flat $15.00 a night with power & water and have time to find a clinic in a reasonable sized town. We pulled out of Tulare at 10:10 @ 157899km.  Lunch break was at a rest area 12:20 to 1:05.  I pulled into a Flying J for gas at 1:35 and out 45 gallons later at 1:50.  We pulled off the road at Willows, exit 603, @ 4:25, 158384km, for the Wal-Mart and for supper at Nancy’s Airport Café, (we have been there before, it’s great).  Out again after supper @ 6:10 and on up to exit 649, the Red Bluff Elks, arriving @ 7:05 @ 158456.  Thanks to daylight saving time it is still full sun & daylight till after 7:30.  We went up to the lodge, paid our night & got instructions to an Urgent Care Walk-in Clinic nearby.  They closed at 7 but open at 9 am, so Sheila is thinking of going over in the morning.  We unhooked the car so it is ready to roll. Sheila had a $3 rum & coke in an Old Fashion size glass and she had to get more coke in it after drinking it down a bit.  The bartender lady made it by pouring rum & coke into the glass together until it was full.  A bit too much rum for Sheila.!  Sheila stayed to watch “Splash” & “DwS” on one of the bar TVs that was right in front of us--they gave her the remote so she could mute commercials & adjust the volume.  Other patrons were sitting at the other end of the U-shaped bar or at tables so she wasn’t disturbing anyone.  I came back to do trip planning etc.  Sheila arrived just after 10 when the bar closed.

Distance covered – 577km – 346mi  -  on the road driving 6 hrs 10 mins

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