Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fri. Apr. 5 Day 86   51F/10½C @ 9:45, 54F/12C @ 10:45, 61F/16C @ noon, 66F/19C @ 1PM

Very overcast in the morning but it cleared to sun by noon.  Sheila was not feeling up to Water Volleyball today, but I went up. Today we did a men VS women game with 8 women against 6 men.  It worked well; we didn’t keep score, of course, but seems to me that the men had longer serving sessions than the women and the women claim they had the ball more.  It was all great fun. Back at the RV I had lunch and did some housework while Sheila went into town to do some shopping etc.  When she returned, I was napping, so she made herself a sandwich and had a short nap also before GVP’s ‘flavoured wine’ tasting on the patio at 6 pm.  There were at least 12 different kinds of bottles on the shelf to try.  Most of them were sweet dessert wines of various kinds of fruit—blackberry, blueberry, cherry, plum, pomegranate, orange, triple berry etc., there was a saki which no one liked, and 4 chocolate & fruit flavour  wines which were more like  chocolate liquors than wines.
At 6:45 I left for Shuffleboard, Sheila stayed till 7:15 until she’d tried all the wines she wanted to, about 8 in all, and then returned to the RV to watched the last of Mon.’s DWTS tape & edit the journal.  I got back from shuffleboard about 8:30 & joined her watching TV. 

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