Monday, April 8, 2013

Sun Apr 7 Day 87      No temperatures because I rolled up the awning & the thermometer is now in the direct morning sun.
It was bit overcast in the morning but cleared to sun in the afternoon.  It was much like yesterday, maybe a bit warmer.   In the pool we started playing with 4 to a side and eventually got 7 to a side.  Back at the RV for lunch & then slowly putting stuff away, doing laundry, and getting the RV ready for the road. Without the awning to shelter one side we are running the A/C a bit to keep it under 80F/26½C inside. By the end of the afternoon we were both feeling tired so we went out for supper to Polly’s Pies.  Their house blend coffee was really good and they do their own roasting so I got a ½ lb to bring home.

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