Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mon. Apr. 1 Day 82    52F/11C @ 9AM,  55F/12½C @ 10:15AM,   60F/15½C @ noon   64F/18C ay 1:30PM

It is forecast for a cooler day with high only to the mid 60’s F, (high teens C), so I am going to skip Volley Ball today but Sheila went up to the pool.  I still have a cough & slight sniffles so I think I will stay in where it is warmer.  Sheila came back from the pool and we had her homemade chicken soup for lunch, it was very good, (we saved the bones from all the take out roast chickens we’d been eating and she did her usual magic with add ins).  After lunch we drove down to Richardson’s, an RV dealer for Jayco in Menifee but they didn’t have anything suitable at any price. I got some info and we came home.  We played bridge at Larry & Judy’s for an hour or so before supper time.  After supper Judy, Sheila & I went up to the Monday night crib match.  We just had enough for 3 tables.  I ended up tying for 3rd place so I got 50 cents back, Sheila came in 5th or 6th. Back at the RV Sheila watched the last half of DwS, (it is on our VCR tape here but we can’t record Hi-Def so it is not as clear as watching it on TV).   Then we watched a Castle episode which was a take off on “Rear Window” starring Jimmy Stewart.

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