Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sat 13 Apr Day 93

Out "Old Stone Village" RV Park at 11AM @ 159183 and off down hwy 18 and a very winding hwy 22 through the forest to join hwy 101.  We pulled into the Blue Heron Cheese factory @ 12:45 PM @ 159295.  We had lunch there and bought a bunch of stuff. They had two guys playing guitar & singing who set up just behind our table, so it was a great lunch time.  Then, off to Tillamook Cheese Factory for cheese and finally back on the road at 2:05 @ 159297.  We came to a closed weigh scale which, in Oregon, is left on.  So we weighed the RV.  The front wheels showed 4550 lbs, and the back, 9550 lbs, so the total weight was 13,100 lbs.  We had ¾ tank of gas and the Grey/Black tanks would be about ½ full. Our GVW is 14,050 lbs. Of course we had excess cargo of 3 cases Cactus Cooler, several pounds of cheese and several bottles of alcohol. We pulled into the Kelso Elks at 5 PM @ 159481.  We reheated the leftover Casserole Italiano for supper and then I packed up the laptop and headed into the bar area to get WiFi which I couldn’t pick up in the RV.  Sheila followed a bit later after she’d done the dishes & spruced up a bit.  We spent the evening editing & blogging while Sheila finished a very potent drink, (called a “Watermelon”).  It is a mix of S. Comfort, Vodka, pineapple juice & grenadine.  (They were very generous with the booze!), and listened to the band in the next room that was playing for a Cancer Survivor Dinner.

 Distance covered – 298km – 185mi

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