Monday, April 3, 2017

Day 45 Saturday April 1

Sheila is off to WVB while I do some chores like dumping tanks, filling water tanks etc so we don’t have too much to do Monday AM. This afternoon, we are going to a festival in town center on Harvard St. in the area of the play we attended last night.  It is all part of the Ramona Spring Festival--the opening day for the actual Ramona Pageant is in late April, always after we have left the area. We had a pleasant afternoon watching lots of Indian dancing including an amazing performance by World Champion Hoop Dancer, Terry Goedel;  looking at beautiful 1930’s antique cars;  checking out various booths & exhibits; listening to music by a very good rock band called One Too Many, and, of course, eating, (at Downtown Deli).  We got back to the RV by late afternoon; Sheila is now napping with A/C on in the bedroom. When she woke up about 6:30, we cleaned the toaster oven we’d borrowed from Larry & Judy, had a light supper of soup, cheese & crackers and watched TV & worked on our journal until bedtime

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