Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day 55 Tuesday April 11

Up early (7:30 am) for the Tuesday breakfast at “Little Pantry”.  I had their Tuesday 3 egg ham & cheese omelette special, with hash browns & toast for $6.99.  Sheila tried one of their specials—a Chili Renello Omelette with hashbrowns, refried beans, bacon & toast for $7.99.  Then, back to GVP for WVB. After the game when I went round the back of the RV to put my bathing suit out to dry the Black & the Brown bunnies were there again. I’ll have to try to get a picture of them one day. No lunch as we are still full from breakfast.  We had a lazy afternoon and then out to the Elks Lodge for Taco Tuesday & Karaoke.  A lot of the regulars that were there on previous Tuesdays weren’t there and the quality of singers was definitely down. Sheila talked to one of the “regulars” & found out that the Afro-American male she liked so much the other two times we’ve gone is ‘Jerome’ the guy who used to sing with “The Platters 2nd Generation” and who will be doing the Elks dinner dance on Friday. We left earlier than usual and returned to the RV for an evening of TV.  

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