Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 49 Wednesday April 5

Today is our off day so we slept in and had a lazy morning.  We looked up where one of the Passport America RV parks was and drove over to check it out, (it’s just 8.7 miles from the casino).  And then we stayed in Yuma to go to the Golden Corral for lunch.  We got the Early Bird special for $7.99 each including refillable drinks.   Enroute there we had checked out a movie complex to see what was on and after lunch we went to one called “The Zookeepers Wife”.  It’s a true store about the Warsaw Zoo during WW2 and the Warsaw ghetto. The zookeeper and his wife saved 300 Jews from the Nazi’s death camps by sneaking them in & hiding them at the zoo.  By the way popcorn is just as expensive in US theatres as at home, small is $5.75 & it went up to $8.75 for large.  Home to the Casino and Sheila went in to gamble.  I used their change machine to break a $100 bill. Just put it in a slot & the machine reads the bill & spits out five 20’s.  That’s today.  Tomorrow Sheila goes down to the dentist for the completion of the work and while she is there I will drive the RV to Rollie’s Lynda Vista RV Park we visited today and get set up there for a day or two. Sheila has the GPS and as we went there today she should find the campground OK when she’s finished in Algodones.

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