Saturday, April 8, 2017

Day 51 Friday April 7

We slept in or as much as we could with local roosters around crowing.  We had a relaxed slow morning.  Then in the afternoon we went out to the local Wal-Mart store.  We got some groceries & Sheila wanted to go to Del Taco for one of their fish tacos.  I tried a bite, nothing special, just messy to eat and quite small.  I filled up the tow car as it was Arizona gas prices, 50 cents or more a gallon cheaper than Calif. Back at the RV I went to the pool while Sheila lay down for a nap in the cool air-conditioned RV.  The pool is solar heated and though temps in the daytime are well over 90 F, the pool water was still too cold for me.  It was about the temp of Sasamat Lake at home before it warms a bit in the summer.  I could get in if I wanted too--I didn’t want to, I will wait for GVP and their 84 F degree pools.  Another disadvantage of the pool here is there are no showers anywhere near the pool.  You either shower in your rig or walk/drive to the far end of the park!  Sheila did go in later, but was getting cold after 15 minutes. She was taking a break from laundry duties and had a swim while the machine washed. We had a nice but late supper of salads in the RV & then Sheila went out to pick up clothing from the dryer. Doing laundry here is much cheaper than at GVP--$1.25 vs $4.25. She’s back and it is dark now, we started the A/C in the bedroom to cool it from around 80 F although it doesn’t feel hot to me it just feels nice, Sheila will disagree.

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