Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 53 Sunday April 9

A lot cooler at night than the Yuma area and a slight overcast this morning but still in the mid 60’s at 10 AM. The forecast for the rest of the week is for warmer & clearer.  We went up to the pool to play WVB we only had 11people, (there always are less on Sundays anyway), but we had a fun game. On route up to the pool there were only 4 people playing Pickle Ball. Don joined in the pool and said they ran out of people for Pickle Ball, (you need 4 for a game).  Sheila says she likes it when there are less people in the pool as she gets more chances at the ball. After the game, it was Hot tub & home for lunch.  When I went to the back of the RV to hang up my bathing suit I saw the big black rabbit and a smaller brown bunny sitting side by side. The black rabbit moved towards me and stopped & wiggled his nose by my foot then went back to his spot by the bushes. So the black rabbit is definitely a domestic rabbit that got loose or was let loose and has taken up residence in the RV Park. This afternoon it is shopping day. This afternoon we got assorted groceries, presents, etc at Wal-mart & 99 cent store, checked Angel View goodwill store but no suitable slacks for me. Home in late PM to make supper.  We were just finished making supper when we got a call from Judy Shaffer that they were one short for one table at Sunday evening Bridge so I drove up to play. Sheila went to Larry & Judy’s park model and played Pegs & Jokers with Judy and their grandsons Dillon (12) & Ethan (14). Sheila partnered with Ethan & they won both the games they played. After the Bridge game, which Larry & I lost, I came back to the RV, had my supper late and we watched a bit of TV before turning in.  

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