Monday, April 3, 2017

Last 2 days before moving out

Day 46 Sunday April 2
Last full day.  Up & off to W VB were we got 6 on one side but only 5 on the other so we had to play a narrower court until one more showed up, eventually we had 8 to a side and had a fun game, lots of laughter.  Then, back to the RV for a light lunch and starting to put stuff away in prep for leaving here. Sheila went out to do laundry & shopping, I started to stow some things.  We had supper and then went out for our possibly last Bridge game.  We have only had 2 tables for the last 2 Sundays as people leave to head back home. Sheila & I came in 3rd so we got a dollar back.  Sheila had been doing laundry before Bridge & had to go back after to run another load because all but one of the coin machines were out of order so she had to do 2 loads in one machine, very time consuming. Back at the RV I went out to Dollar store across road for some last minute things then home for a bit of TV then bed

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