Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 58 Good Friday April 14 - Start of Easter Weekend

We did our usual, up & off to WVB.  Slight cloud but mostly sun with no wind, around 70 F by noon.  As people leave we get less & less out for WVB.  This morning we were playing 4 & 5 a side for quite a while before we got to 6.   After the game, back to the RV for lunch. In the afternoon I did some route planning for the trip home & Sheila went out for the pedicure she didn’t get yesterday. Tonight is the last Mocktails party so we will go, (it runs from 6 to 8). They had a guitar & harmonica player who was really good.  Beside the free drinks, they have nacho chips plus 2 hot cheese sauces, (one spicy), plus beans, sliced olives, jalapenos, salsa and a chopped veg mix.  I had several servings. After wards we plan to go over to the Elks to see the performer that Sheila wants to see--Jerome Richardson of the Second Generation Platters.  There is no admission charge to the dinner dances but if you aren’t coming for the dinner you have to wait till after 7 to come in to sit in the main hall, otherwise you have to sit in the bar area. We got there after 8 and there were tables with empty seats.  We sat & listened, he did a great Chuck Berry number we jived to & several Platters songs. The music acts finish at 9:30.  We stopped at a grocery store on route back home to get some more instant oatmeal breakfasts. As I found out a couple years ago I can’t play in the pool for 2 hours with only a cup of coffee in the morning, so I now make a hot instant breakfast & add craisins & raisins on WVB days.  So ends another busy day    

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