Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 42 Wednesday March 29

Cool to cold at night, but clear sky & sun and temps getting into the 80’s by noon.  I drove over to the Motel & picked up Judy and her things and returned to the RV. Judy went to play Pickleball then joined us to play
WVB.  I think I am improving a bit at WVB.  Sheila seems to be improving health wise, she played well, but was exhausted after only an hour.  Then, back to the RV for lunch--leftover chicken & salads from last night.  Then, while Sheila napped, Judy & I sat outside playing crib for the afternoon & just relaxing in the sun. We met Larry & Judy at the Steer & Stein for supper. (They have a 16 ounce steak that I have once a year down here).  It was delicious as usual & comes with salad & baked potato.  But the price has gone up it is now $18.49 for the steak, (two yrs. ago if was $16.00, which even if you convert to CDN $ is still a great deal. And for dessert, I had Blackberry Cobbler which came in a tall ice cream sundae glass with lots of ice cream & whipped cream on top.  It was such a large meal that Sheila managed with just a bit of my steak and an appetizer of fried zucchini as her meal.  After supper we all came back to Larry & Judy’s park model and played Pegs & Jokers.  Then home for the night at 8:45 pm.  Judy was tired & wanted to turn in, so we went to our bedroom at the rear and watched some TV on the small set there.  It worked well, Judy couldn’t hear any noise from the TV & we could enjoy our program sitting on the bed leaning against the head board which is the wall with the window, it was fairly comfortable for a short time.

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