Monday, April 17, 2017

Day 60 Sunday April 16

Happy Easter Sunday

Our last day and the sun is out, it’s warm & wonderful!  Up to the pool for WVB but only 6 people so we played anyway. After a bit, 2 more showed up & joined in. We had lots of fun as usual.  After hot tub time its back to the RV to do some prep for leaving and to get ready for the Easter Dinner tonight--we are taking fruit salad. Social hour is at 4, dinner at 5.  At our table we had us, Neva, Eric, Richard & Diane, Judy & Larry. There were only 3 tables, so we “pooled” our food and everyone put what they brought on a central table rather than just sharing it with their own table.  It means even more variety.  Lots of good food, we even managed to bring home a bit of the leftover ham which GVP buys & donates to the dinner. Tonight it is more putting stuff away for tomorrow’s departure.

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