Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day 56 Wednesday April12

Another nice sunny day.  No breezes, so perfect for WVB.  We had a good VB game although numbers are down.  We started with 4 to a side and as more arrived got up to 9 a side.  Back for lunch then I went on the computer to my Streets & Trips program to plan our return trip.  One thing that slipped my mind was that this weekend is Easter which shouldn’t mean too much difference on the hwy but does mean that a lot of the Passport America half price campgrounds are not available on holiday weekends, which includes Sunday.  I had thought of going up the California & Oregon coasts but with more people traveling for Easter that could get busy on the 2 lane hwy 101.  So I will stick to Hwy I-5 and may be home a day or two earlier. We went out to Winco for some travelling supplies and had one of their $2.00 pizza slices for dinner. Mine had Jalapeño’s on it & was good.  Sheila liked hers also.  They are a good size too, about 6 to 8 inches across at the back end. We returned to the RV for the evening.  Our time down here is coming to an end and it seems like we just got here, with our extra week, we will have been here at GVP for 37 days as of Friday and it just seems so short.  The whole trip will have been barely 2 months

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