Sunday, April 9, 2017

Day 52 Saturday April 8

More roosters than yesterday, they seem to all go for a short while & then quit. Today it was 7-7:30 am.  However, since today is a busy travelling day, no problem really.  All unhooked, stowed & battened down & away by 9:20 @ 45749 miles, - a crack of dawn start for us!  Onto Hwy 8 and at Quechan Casino by 9:40.  We drove with the car unhooked because of the short distance.  We then drove down to the border, arriving at 9:45 where I dropped Sheila & parked to wait for her.  Here now starts the “Saga of Sheila” from last Thursday.  I had to wait for a successful conclusion before reporting it.  OK, after the Dentist she wanted to find some nice presents for the grandchildren, something Mexican.  Well, she found some really nice dresses for Mikaela & Erica as well as a vest for William.  Of course she bought a dress for herself as well.  Then enroute back to the border she passes a restaurant that is putting on a Fiesta as a thank you to all the Snowbirds and offering free food & drink. This was now afternoon and all the food was now gone, BUT, they still had free Margarita’s, good strong ones too according to Sheila.  She put her bags down and had one.  As she had to drive back she didn’t have more.  She arrives at the RV in the RV Park & then discovers that the bag with the dresses isn’t there!  Left at the restaurant!! She phones the restaurant but can’t get anyone who speaks English. She phoned again several times on Friday but couldn’t get our US phone to connect to Mexican exchange—something about “no server”.  So, since it’s on our way to Hemet, we decide to take a slight (2 mi. detour) to the Mexican border and she will go back to find them, (it is all of a 5 to 10 min. walk from the border).  After a half hour she returns bag in hand. The restaurant had found it under the table she was at & put it aside.  Sheila believes in the good in people & that it would be turned in and not taken. She was rewarded! We now drove back to the RV by 10:20, hooked up and headed out to Golden Village Palms departing at 10:35 @ 45759 miles.  Our next stop was Spotlight 29 Casino for lunch at 1:05 @ 45892 miles.  After a nice lunch we left at 2:25 and headed up the hwy past Palm Springs.  There is a reason for all the windmills there, we hit strong gusty head & side winds--they even had a lighted warning sign over the hwy about the winds.  It was not a fun drive!  After over an hour we were out of it and arrived at GVP RV Park by 3:50 @ 45957 miles.  Just over 200 miles but the last part made it a tiring day, I was really tired.  After we got in & set up, (by about 5:00), I just wanted to lie down and I did, getting up around 9:30 or so.  Just a quiet evening in the RV tonight, it’s Water Volley Ball tomorrow morning!

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