Sunday, April 16, 2017

Day 59 Saturday April 15

Up & off to WVB but we were really short today as several players are away at Easter functions this morning.  We only had 4 a side but we still played & had lots of fun.  They have music & food at the pool side cabana on Sat. so after VB I went over to listen.  They had the same fellow that played for the Mocktails last night.  Sheila had a fish taco but it was the last of them so I think it might have been a bit short on the fish.  It didn’t seem like much for $3.00. The music went till 2 PM & then we came back to the RV.  Judy Shaffer dropped by and we had a nice chat for a while.  Then Sheila went out shopping for a new pedometer, (she forgot & wore the old one into the pool), sandals, a new swimsuit, a pretty turquoise one and a few groceries etc.   We had supper in the RV. We are back to hot weather again; it was hovering just under 90 in the RV in the afternoon.  It’s now 7 PM and it’s nice for sitting outside, no wind, still daylight, the temp on our outside thermometer is at 68 F, (20C), so even when we have 80 to 90 degree days, the evenings cool down to be quite comfortable and even cool in the late evening and just nice for sleeping.  

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