Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 50 Thursday April 6

Sheila set alarm but woke before it.  She went over to the Casino to pick up a cheap take-out breakfast and then headed out for her 10:30 appointment.  I got the RV ready to roll and headed out at 10:40 @ 45740 miles.  I arrived at the RV Park about 10:55 at 45749 miles.  Checked in for 2 nights and got set up with A/C running for Sheila’s return – eventually.  I phoned GVP & got their one week special for $179.00.  Due to a large Good Sam tour group and the Antique/Classic RV show later in the month the special ends on April 15 so at the moment it looks like that will be our return home start date. Sheila got back OK all dental went as planned and she even got some deals at the village merchants including a free Margarita at La Restaurante Paraiso. They were having a Fiesta to show their appreciation for Snowbird’s patronage. Sheila showed up around mid afternoon. All went well and she is happy with the result.  We relaxed in the afternoon heat as much as possible.  We wanted to try the pool but the gate was locked & the key we got didn’t open it, so we’ll have to check that out tomorrow.  We made supper and relaxed outside the RV in the warm evening. They don’t get the breezes here that we did at the casino so the RV heats up a bit more, making it very pleasant to sit outside.

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