Monday, April 20, 2015

Sun 19 April Day 99  Nice & sunny but temps in high 60’s to low 70’s

Out Camping World, Burlington 11:50 and up to Bellis Fair Mall where there is a WInco to get Kerrygold butter for Michael & Adeline. Arrived at Winco @ 12:15 @ 40940 & on route again by 12:55.  Off road at Ferndale Pilot for gas at 1:05, approximately 40947 miles, ( I forgot to write it down so that is an estimate from our exact route home according to MS Streets & Trips). Out Ferndale & back on I 5 @ 1:20, the dashboard readout of miles to empty says 557. Arrived Customs line @ 1:35, scraped their barrier going into the booth but no dents just a mark on the paint. Cleared customs by 1:50.  Home, parked across from school @ 2:45 @ 40988.

We unloaded the fridge & some other stuff.  I drove the RV & parked in front of home to wash it. I sprayed it with “30 Second” cleaner & hosed it off. Then we had supper.  Sheila went down to unload clothes. & other stuff then we crashed & watched a bit of TV before bed.  More unloading, cleaning, etc tomorrow. 

So endeth the saga

                        Total distance RV driven – 2,965 miles
                        Number of nights in RV – 98
Total gallons gas put in RV – 436.25 – note - ¾ full when we left &   almost full at home on return
378.919 USG used to go 2593 miles

Therefore gas mileage = 6.84 mpg over the whole trip

Sat 18 April Day 97

Cooler in the morning as we head north, but nice & sunny

I was up, had breakfast & got ready to go to the 2e tournament at Justin’s in Auburn.  It is only about 10-15 minutes from the casino. Sheila stayed to gamble & wander around the casino.  She found a $1.00 Blackjack table to try, which means she had fun without losing too much.  I played 4 rounds of 2e & lost them all by a wide margin.
 Then I headed back to the RV, arriving about 3:15.  Sheila had made a sandwich for me that was really good; I thought she had bought it at the casino. We hooked up the car & headed out of Muckleshoot Casino at 40822 @ 4:05.  We did hit some slow busy areas getting through Seattle but we kept moving, at a slow pace, but moving..  We saw another accident aftermath only this time I doubt there were any injuries.  A southbound moving van had caught fire on the inside of the cargo area.  There were 2 fire trucks, lots of foam on the ground and the truck was gutted at the centre of the cargo area and almost to the cab & the tail gate. It was backing up southbound traffic on the 3 lane I 405 and I clocked it and the jam went back about 9 miles to where cars were approaching the stopped cars & slowing up.
 We arrived @ Camping World about 6:15 @ 40914.  We drove in but it was jammed full at the back electrical area.  We were talking to one of the Camping World patrol guys and he said that the service bays aren’t open tomorrow as it’s Sunday and all the big entrance doors have outside power & water so why not park there, so we did.  We had to unhook the car to back up to the doors but that worked fine as we were going to Fred Meyers for their internet connection anyway. We had a supper at Fred Myers, gassed up the Focus and returned to the RV for the evening.

Distance – 92 miles – on road time – 2 hours 10 minutes

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fri 17 April Day 96

 Cold during the night but clear sky & sun is warming things

We were late up & slow because we decided that we’d stick around for the lodge lunch, (11 to 2).  I had a Taco salad and I ordered the large for 8.50 instead of the regular for 7.50.  It was a larger taco shell which was full to the top so there was a lot of ground beef, it was good! Sheila had a sandwich of chicken & prime rib with a side of tater tots.  Also very good!  She brought ½ the sandwich and tater tops home for supper tonight.  We pulled out of Kelso Elks @ 1:30 @ 40711 miles.  At 2 pm the traffic came to a stop, then a slow crawl.  We got to the accident site, a small car was sideways to traffic flow with the front up on the cement median barrier and it looked like it had been rolled and maybe run over by one of the stopped trucks.  I couldn’t see an undamaged spot anywhere.  I wouldn’t think anyone got out alive.  I could see some sheets spread around the front seat area, usually the indication there had been a body covered there. We cleared traffic and were rolling again by 2:20.  We stopped for gas @ 40771 from 3:05 to 3:20 at the Tumwater Pilot at  exit 99.  We encountered more traffic jams and backups getting to the Casino but arrived @ 4:50 @ 40822.   We went into the casino to look around.  No deals on food as it is a Friday night so everything is more. Their fancy buffet, The Spice Garden was $19.00 Mon to Thurs but Fri, Sat, Sun it’s $25.00, presumably because they bring in more Seafood on those days.  Sheila saw a line up at a show lounge and asked what it was for.  It is for a free Rolling Stones Tribute band. People were lined up an hour & a half ahead of time.  We came back to the RV for a supper of left over Sheila’s Elks lunch and a free Sub we got for using our Flying J/Pilot charge card, just a 6 inch but we could have anyone we wanted.  After supper Sheila went back to the Casino to try the free $5.00 credit we each got for signing up for a players card.

Distance – 111 miles  on road time – 3 hour 5 minutes - that’s less then 37 mph
At Muckleshoot Casino, nice & level, lots of room for the slide outs

That light on the pole gave enough light that after dark if I opened the blind on the side the car is sitting I could read by it, (if I sat on the couch with my back to the window).

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thurs 16 April Day 95

 cool at night into low 50”s or less, slight overcast in AM,   nice & warm in Kelso

Sheila got up & went to the indoor pool for a water aerobics class offered 9:00 – 9:45 am Tues. & Thurs. mornings.   We will pull out when she returns & head for Kelso Elks and their RV Pk.  She said it was a good class for developing arm strength because the ladies were using Styrofoam dumbbells for most of the class.  She’d like to be able to continue it.  Sigh!
Out @ 40462 @ 10:55 & off to a Pilot stn for gas.  Off hwy 11:55 @ 40512.  The RV took 61.473 USG.  We bought a foot long Sub for a lunch break because we get a discount with our Pilot/Flying J charge card. Back out to hwy to Kelso at 12:20. Sheila took over driving out of the gas stop. She drove to a rest area where we had our Sub sandwich lunch from 1:25 to 2:05. Then I took over driving.  Around 3 PM we were approaching Portland & the traffic ground to an almost halt. It was 3 lanes of solid bumper to bumper crawling through Portland and didn’t clear until we were over the Columbia River Bridge into Washington.  Then the I 5 was clear & moving fast.  We arrived at Kelso Elks @ 5:25 @ 40711. There was only one other RV in the lot and they have 12 power/water/cable set ups.  We went into the lodge and discovered they were serving supper, so we had lasagna with salad, delicious green beans and dessert for $10.  I phoned Ken to tell him I would be at the 2e regional’s game on Sat., (Sheila’s not sure she’s coming), but that we wouldn’t make the Sunday game.

After that, Sheila went out for a walk around the neighborhood & discovered there’s a Safeway within easy walking distance.  We caught a BBT on TV but the Blacklist wouldn't come in so over to the Elks Lodge for their WiFi.

Distance - 249 miles - on road time - 5 hours 25 minutes - extra long due to traffic jamb we only averaged about 45 MPH
Sheila by the RV at Kelso Elks

Looking towards the lodge across the RV area

Wed 15 April Day 94

 Very windy in Willows but sunny

We pulled out of the Willows Walmart at 9:20 @ 40169 Miles.  There is a lot of wind on the hwy but it is coming from the front quarter drivers side so it doesn’t affect the driving – much.  We stopped at the Mt Shasta rest area, (11:05 to 11:15) for Sheila to walk a bit to unstiffen, and then we were off again. Then, a lunch stop at the Weed, CA rest area from 12:25 to 1:00.  The dash thermometer was reading 49 F and it was still a bit windy. We are up a bit, maybe 3000 feet more or less.  We actually turned on the RV heater for a bit while driving. We noticed that going north you get a better view of Mt Shasta than southbound. We crossed into Oregon at 1:45 and started up the Siskiyou Pass.  The hill going down is a lot longer than going up because going up from the south you are already quite high and on the north side you go down to low elevation.  It is a 6% grade, one for 8 miles or more and others of 2 miles.  I put the RV in the “tow/haul” mode and just coasted down.  It kept the speed reasonable and didn’t rev too high, around 3500 rpm all the way down.  I did hit the brakes twice when I was catching up on a slow truck & there was a car beside me. I couldn’t get out to pass the slow truck in time to not run into him, so I braked.

We arrived at 7 Feathers RV Park at 3:50 pm @ 40462 miles.  After getting our spot, hooking up, having Tea, we went to the indoor swimming pool & hot tub for a swim, (Sheila) & relaxing soak, both of us.  Then it’s supper in the rig followed by TV, planning, & journal writing.

Distance – 293 miles – on road time – 5 hours 45 minutes

Two pics of our 7 Feathers site

Our spot at 7 Feathers

The entrance door side

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tues 14 April Day 93

 Sunny, calm, clear blue sky & warm in Modesto
          At Willows’ Walmart it is clear & sunny with a slight wind, but nice & warm

We pulled out of Modesto Elks @ 10:55 @ 40009 miles and on up the hwy to a gas stop In Lodi at the Flying J.  Off hwy @ 11:50 @ 40051 miles. This is the first fill since Palm Springs 501 miles ago.  The instrument panel says 592 miles to empty after the fill-up.  A gas check on the tank I filled at Palm Springs shows 7.6 mpg.  While at the gas stop, seeing as it is about noon we stopped for lunch at the Denny’s there. We both had their Valu Meals—a really good deal!  Back on the hwy at 1:20 pm it was straight through to the Walmart & Nancy’s Airport Café in Willows--a favourite place to stop. Off the hwy to park in Walmart at 3:30 @ 40169 miles. We relaxed around the RV so Sheila could  phone Vicki at home. 

Then we went over to Nancy’s Airport Café for supper.  We both had the Seniors Broasted Chicken, (2 pieces, it is deep fried & delicious), it comes with salad or soup & dessert for only $8.79. When we walked over to the Café, (it’s across the road from Walmart), they had a time & Temp read-out sign that said 7:00pm/65 F. When we left about an hour later it was only 55 F.  Tomorrow will put us over the border into Oregon.

Distance – 160 miles – on road time – 3 hrs 5 minutes
Here we are nestled in at Walmart. You will note that the TV aerial is up, it's been up since we left  Modesto, I forgot to lower it.  No damage it still works fine. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mon 13 April Day 92

  sunny in Bakersfield, still sunny in Modesto but high wind

Before we left Orange Grove RV Park Sheila wanted to go to the dried fruit & nuts store we’d been to in previous years so off she went.  She got back just after 11 AM and we hooked up the car & departed at 11:15 @ 39797 miles.  I drove non-stop to Modesto where there is an Elks with RV spots.  We had a strong following wind which probably helped the gas mileage and we pulled into the Elks at 3:25 @ 40009 miles.  We checked in at the bar where Sheila had their special Happy Hour drink, a Peach Blossom (?).  We were going to go out for supper but the car was at an angle where we were parked which usually jambs up the hitch pins.  I came back to the RV from the bar before Sheila and discovered that the car hitch was nice & loose, it had not tightened up from being slightly on an angle.  Now I contemplated whether to tell Sheila that we could go out after all.  I decided that if I didn’t she would be slightly miffed if she found out about the car being easily unhitchable, so I told her and we looked up restaurants in the GPS & found a Golden Corral buffet nearby.  They had 2 types of BBQ ribs plus delicious calamari and a multitude of other goodies.  After a nice supper we came back to the RV and I wound up the aerial to see if we could get ABC for D. with S. for Sheila. I got a lot of very crisp & clear stations but none that had the ABC logo. Then I had an idea! I looked up “Modesto ABC TV” on the internet. The Elks have WiFi & I can receive it in the RV.  Success!  Sheila got to watch her D. with Stars.  We get dozens of stations just using the aerial on the roof and it doesn’t seem to matter whether it, (the aerial) is up or down.  It does have that add-on piece that is supposed to pull in digital channels.

Distance – 212 miles – on road time – 4 hrs 10 minutes

Monday, April 13, 2015

2 views of our Modesto Elks RV spot

Orange Grove RV Park

At Orange Grove. Orange season is over and the maintenance staff have cut the trees into a cylindrical shape. There are some oranges on the ground which can be scavenged, inspected for bug holes & washed.  We picked up about a doz and only had to discard 3 of them. 

Sun 12 April Day 91

  59 @ 8 AM at GVP

I actually woke up at 8:05 AM so I got up to have breakfast & start the final prep to go. Sheila was up about ½ hr. later.  We got everything set and we’re away on the road at 10:05 @ 39589 miles.  A little while later, we stopped and hooked the up the strap that keeps the bedroom door form sliding open at every corner.  We made it to Sketchers Shoe Factory Store at 10:40 @ 39608 miles--19 miles from GVP.   Two hours & 3 pairs of shoes later we left the store, and I was the one with 2 pairs--a new pair of sandals and a slip on loafer that is very comfortable, Sheila got a pair of shoes that were marked 70% off.  They have very nice, comfortable shoes.  We’d never heard of them before, but several people at GVP were raving about them.  We had a quick lunch in the RV and left by 1:05 pm.  We then discovered that the west bound entrance to Hwy 60 was closed; only the east bound was open.  Fortunately, there was next to no traffic on the ‘on ramps, so I did a U-Turn with the RV & car and only ran over one flexible plastic construction lane divider thing.  We backtracked south & found a road going west which hooked up with the next entrance to the hwy we wanted so no problem.  We arrived at Orange Grove RV Park, which is about 10 miles east of Bakersfield, at 4:45 @ 39797 miles.  There are almost no oranges on the trees to pick as the season is over, but there are some on the ground and I parked so I could lean out the driver’s side window & pick one on a tree beside our spot.  We set up and then took the car up to the car wash area to clean it off a bit.  After a nice supper that Sheila made, we went for a short walk, picking oranges off the ground as we walked.  Afterwards, we settled in to watching TV, doing the journal/blog and planning tomorrow’s trip.

Distance – 208 miles – on road time – 4 hrs. 15 mins.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sat 11 April Day 90

  59 F @ 9 AM,        clear blue sky & sunny

Off to our last water volleyball game for the season. We had 6 to a side for a while then more came so we got up to 8 a side and had a good game.  We went back to the RV for lunch & to start packing up a bit.  We got some stuff put away but some things are needed for the morning plus I don’t want to unhook power, water etc till the morning.  Sheila went out to the 99 cent store & Winco for last minute stuff & I have prepared food ready for a stir fry supper, after which we may have time for some Bridge with Larry & Judy.  Sheila got back; we had supper and time for Bridge.  We played 4 hands and changed partners so everyone played with everyone.  Then, to end the evening, we had a dessert snack of fruit salad & a loaf Sheila had got at the 99 cent store.  It was very good & just the right amount for 4 people.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fri 10 April Day 89

  60 F @ 9 AM,  64 F @ 10 AM,   clear & sunny

I am off to the pool while Sheila wants to check out a Line Dancing class at the Simpson Centre which is the Hemet Senior Centre. It was OK; not for beginners but that was OK for Sheila. I went up to the pool & we had a good game.  Back to the RV for lunch & then some packing up jobs to do before heading out the Sizzler for supper followed by the Elks Friday dance, Larry Stevens is playing tonight. We headed out to Sizzler & Sheila had their all you can eat ribblets, I had the endless salad bar, (it has hot chicken wings potato wedges, onion rings,  soup, 2 pasta’s, & taco makings as well as all the reg salad stuff).  The ribletts were a section of short bone ribs together in sections in a nice BBQ sauce, not at all like the ribblets that Ken & I used to go to Applebees for out by Costco years ago. And it was an all you can eat for $10.99 special. After that we went to Mega Liquor so Sheila could buy some specialty flavoured Rum & Apple Pie Cream liquour.  Then we headed for the ELKS & had a nice evening listening to Larry Stevens and dancing a bit. Their drinks are $3.75, $1.75 for a can of pop.  Then, home for the night when Larry finished playing at 9:30, (as it’s a dinner dance he starts at 5:30).

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thurs 9 April Day 88

57 F @ 9 AM, 66 F by 10:15,  clear & sunny, a little wind

Sheila is going up to the pool for the game but I have to wait by the RV for a propane delivery truck to come & fill my tank.  It’s a nuisance waiting but it is preferable to unhooking everything & putting stuff away so that I can drive out to a station and then return & re-hook-up etc.  I took the time to check tire pressure, put away tire sun covers, stow some assorted things, etc. Sheila got back from the pool & said she had a very good game.  Now, with fewer players she’s getting the ball a lot more frequently & it’s really helping her game.  She says it’s difficult to improve when other players don’t pass you the ball!  I checked back & out of our 58 days at GVP I have missed 4 games in the pool counting today, March 1, 11, 16 & April 9; I will have to try to do better next year.    The propane truck finally arrived about 2:00 so that is done. We went to Emilio’s for our last Happy Hour; there were about a dozen there and the free appetizers were just as good as ever!  Sheila says she’s really going to miss them even tho they’re playing havoc with her waistline!  Back at the RV I was tired so had a nap as did Sheila.  Then, just some TV for the evening

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wed 8 April Day 87

  54 F @ 9:30, clear & sunny, no wind, 70 @ 12:45

The storm is over after terrorizing LA.  On the late night news they had a long segment on storm problems. They received a 4 hour downpour before it stopped and got ½ inch of rain causing car accidents & other traffic problems. It showed the puddles people had to negotiate. They even reported and showed people getting out umbrella’s and  one person who made a temporary garbage bag rain suit--this on the main NBC LA news at 11:00!  They just don’t know how to handle rain down here.  The tiniest bit of rain will cause their storm drains to overflow!!

Other than being cool it looks like a normal clear blue sky sunny day here in the morning.  It was nice in the pool, the water was lovely & warm, the sun was out & no wind except for the odd, very light, gust every so often. We still are getting about a dozen players out.  After the usual Hot tub we came back to the RV for lunch.  Sheila went out shopping & I made a list of things to do for packing up to leave this Sunday.  After supper Larry & Judy came over for Bridge and we had an Orange Crush cake Sheila got – nice & moist. I didn’t notice an Orange Crush flavour but it was good, though not as good as the 7 Up cake she got for Spud Night.  It had a tasty lemony flavour.

Tues 7 April Day 86

   50 F @ 8:00,  62 F @ 10:15,   72 F @ 12:45

So far, it’s only a little cooler here, and we still have mostly clear blue skies & sun though, there is a bit of wind. We went to the Seven Hills Golf Club for Breakfast Club. Even that is down in numbers.  We often get 20 or more, but today, we only had 9.  I dropped Sheila off at the pool and I went back to the RV to drop off the car & change into my swim suit. We managed to have 14 to 15 people in the pool for the game today, but each day someone says, “Good bye, see you next year”.  It was quite cool in the pool today because there was a bit of a cool breeze, the sun was often behind clouds & the water temp was down because the pool had been emptied & was filling up with water that wasn’t quite as hot as yesterday’s.  Almost everyone was complaining about being cold, but no one wanted to quit!  Crazy people!

Back at the RV, we won’t have lunch--partly because of our big breakfast, and, partly because we are headed for a big dinner at the Asian Seafood Buffet in Murrieta near Temecula.  As I type, Sheila is catching a nap before we leave.  (She was up late two nights in a row watching reruns of ‘Friends).  We got some of Williams’s trains at Toys R Us which was just a few hundred yards from the Asian Buffet.  It was great, I ate nothing but seafood, OK I did get some mushrooms, ice cream & a creamy coffee cake that was delicious, but mostly seafood.  Tuesday is half price day for seniors so we got a feast for a real cheap price, $7.00 for the buffet each. Back at the RV it has clouded over quite thick clouds but not a lot of wind and no rain so far. when I went to bed just after 11:00.   Sheila reported that it stated raining about 11:45 and came down quite hard for a while.

Some pics of the seafood part of the buffet, there was much more including Dim Sum and soups

Left to Right, shrimp, mussels, cray fish, prawns

The middle one with the tongs is crab in a scallop shell, next (right) is salmon then hot mussels with cheese topping

On the right end are butter clams - delicious!

This is where the King Crab legs are, they go fast.  Somewhere else were the whole Dungeness crab I didn't get a pic of.

Half of the Sushi Bar

the other half

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mon 6 April Day 85

At   9:45  it's 61 F

The TV forecast for LA area has strong winds, cooler temps, starting late Mon through to Fri & rain for Tues/Wed.  Monday morning is cooler than normal for the time of day but still pleasant.  On TV yesterday they said humidity was 17% which sounds low but I don’t know what our humidity at home is generally, I would think a lot higher. 

We went up for the game.  The crowd is dwindling.  We had a total of 9 to start but soon we got up to 7 or 8 a side.  The wind was gusting a little and it was a bit cool, so the hot tub at noon felt really great, but no one quit early.  Lunch was in the RV, we made ham, (leftover), & cheese sandwiches grilled in the sandwich grill we got for $2.00 at the White Elephant sale--it works really well.  Sheila is off out again & I am puttering in the RV catching up on journals, maps, route planning etc.  After supper, (more leftover ham), we went over to Larry & Judy’s RV, (they were out & left us their key), to watch some shows they recorded for us.  Sheila came back for D. with S. & I stayed to watch a cpl other shows then back to the RV for Castle at the end of D. with S.  The weather forecast is for cooler days in the high 60’s and possible rain by Tues night.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sun 5 April Day 84

   @ 8:30 it's 57 F

It got cooler last night, down into the high 50’s, we turned on our furnace in the morning.  According to the LA news weather report, LA is due for cooler, windy weather and possibly some rain middle of next week.  Whether we’ll see any of that here is the question; we often miss whatever they forecast for the city.  As today is Easter Sunday a lot of people weren’t up at the pool but we still had 11 to play.  After the game & hottub, we came back to the RV for a quick lunch and then it’s off up to the ballroom to set up for tonight’s Easter Dinner.  The park is buying us hams, we just have to cook them.  We can use the park’s kitchen which is attached to the ballroom area.  Other stuff is brought by everybody, you sign up and the table Captain coordinates so we have a variety of food.  There are 16 to a table.  Our table Captain is Sheila.  We will go up & put the hams on to heat, (they are pre cooked), about mid afternoon and then later carve them, (they are pre-sliced), and put the food on the table.  Social time starts at 4 & dinner at 5.  We had a great dinner, lots of food, even leftovers to bring home.  The pre-sliced ham had quite loose slices and cooked fast.  It was 10½ lbs & was just about over-cooked at 2 & a bit hours.  It was good though.  Sheila had ordered a ¼ sheet cake from Winco to celebrate recent birthdays & anniversaries of six people sitting at our tables.  She brought it in with two candles on it so our birthday boys, Larry & George could blow them out while we sang H.B. to them.    We cleaned up and brought everything back to the RV, it was convenient being able to wash dishes in the park’s large kitchen sink.  We watched a bit of TV and I got tired, so I turned in early. Sheila stayed up to watch American Oddessy, a six part mini series starting tonight on NBC @ 10 pm.  I’ll be able to watch it tomorrow  at Larry & Judy’s as they have a PVR that can record it.

Sat 4 April Day 83

We went up for the usual game and when it was over at noon it was mentioned that a second game for someone’s grand-kids would run at 2 PM.  So I had my hot tub & sat in the sun.  Sheila meanwhile went back to the RV and brought our laundry up. We played a bit at 2:00 in the 2nd pool but not many were there for the game so we basically batted the ball around between the kids.  Sheila got laundry going & I eventually went over to wait for it to finish & move it to the dryer while Sheila went out to get some groceries.  She returned just as the dryer finished & helped fold & hang the clothes.  Then, finally I got back to the RV for supper about 5:30 after leaving at 10 in the morning!  We made supper then went out to the 99 cent store to get Larry a card for his birthday, (today). Back to the RV for TV to round out the evening.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fri 3 April Day 82

 60 @ 8:45, clear & no breeze at all, @ 10:15 it’s 72

Another lovely day.  Up to the pool for the game, then back to RV for lunch; then Sheila’s off on some shopping errands & to get her nails done. This afternoon, some volleyballers grandkids are here so there is a volleyball game set for 2 PM for them.  Some of us will go to the pool to play.  (The morning game is restricted to players over 12 yrs., but any other time is open to everyone regardless of age, you just need to be about 4 feet tall so your head is above water). I got to the pool at 2:10 but no one was there.  I guess they changed their mind about playing.  Back at the RV I puttered around until Sheila came home, then we went out to the Elks Dinner Dance at 5:00, Ronda & Showdown were playing 6:30 – 9:30 pm.  We had dinner, (Sheila had the prime rib special – full meal, soup & salad bar etc for just under $15.00, I had a flat iron steak which I had not heard of but it was a very good cut, but cheaper than the prime rib), right away so we’d be ready to dance as soon as the music started. They are a good band, they play lots of our kind of danceable music & because all three of them are excellent musicians, they’re also great to just listen to.  We left a few minutes early, so were home by 9:30ish.  Sheila watched the premiere & second show of a new dramedy called “Younger”.  She quite liked it, & was disappointed to find out we will not be able to get it at home as it’s on a channel. (“TV Land”) which is not available there.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thurs 2 April Day 81

 8;30 it’s 61 with a slight but coolish breeze.

Up for the game as usual. We had lots of good volleys today.  It looks like the best configuration is 4 in front, (at the net), 2 in the middle & 3 across the back. That way no one is blocking a person behind and everyone has a clear view ahead. After lunch in the RV, I dismantled the Sat Dish so it could be stored for the trip home.  It is all in the RV & car trunk.  Then we headed out about 2:45 for Happy Hour at Emilio’s. We had a great crowd--about 24.  Got gas for the Focus on route back & Sheila wanted to stop at a small Taco restaurant that advertised Flans.  They were sort of OK but I wouldn’t buy them there again.  Sheila said she would, though she’d like a bit more caramel sauce for the flan.  Back at the RV, Sheila is taking a short nap & I am heading out for Mexican Train Domino’s night.  No luck, I lost my quarter, & didn’t win or come second in any of the 3 games we played. Then--back to the RV for TV – “Blacklist” & “Elementary”.

Wed 1 April Day 80

 At 8:15 am it’s 58 outside & 63 inside with no heat on.

I sent an email out to Michael, Adeline & a copy to Ken telling them that we had decided to go  full time & they were to sell or throw away everything & move into the house.   “April Fool!”  - - - - maybe.
We went up for our usual game in the pool and came back to the RV for lunch after. Gordon came over with the satellite dish & equipment in the afternoon.  It was Spud Night tonight, so we gathered our stuff, (a dessert for out table, our dishes, cutlery & drinks and headed to the ballroom.  It was a fun evening which went from 4:30 to after 6 pm.  We brought back a cpl left over potatoes and a dish of butter.  We are set up for Bridge with Larry & Judy this evening; they came over about 6:30 or so.  We played to after 9 PM, and then watched CSI Cyber to finish off the evening.  

Tues 31 Mar Day 79

I lied yesterday, it hit  58 @ 8 AM,  72 @ 10 AM

The heat wave is dissipating a bit.  This morning we got up earlier in order to make the Breakfast club at the Early Bird Café at 8:30.  The temp inside was low so I turned on the furnace for the first time in over a week.  The outside temp was 58 at 8 AM & rose to 72 by 10 AM.  I went over to feed kitty cats before the breakfast event.  The volleyball is still going strong with about 9 a side to play.  After the game & stuff we came back to the RV and then went over to Gordon & Lynn’s.  He is giving me his Shaw Starchoice satellite dish and all the wires etc to hook it up.  I also bought off him the PVR he uses to record shows when he is down here for $50.00.  That way I don’t have to unhook mine from home.  I will have to get some help from a couple of our Dogwood Roamers group to do a test run once I’m home on one of our RV trips.  Larry & Judy got back from Yuma where they were visiting friends just after noon while we were over at Gordon’s rig.  They said it was 100 F every day down there.  Nobody cooks until it cools down at night; they went out for 2 meals every day.  Sheila went out late afternoon and is going to pick up some Chinese take-out for supper from a place we discovered on a previous trip where, for under $10.00, you get enough for a big meal for us both with leftovers.  Nothing planned for this evening, probably just some TV.

Mon 30 Mar Day 78

  It doesn’t go below the low 60’s in the morning any more

Up in the morning to go feed the cats and then breakfast followed by water volley ball & hot tubing, then back to the RV for lunch. After lunch I did some jobs, (dump tanks etc), & Sheila went out to return stuff to the Sally Ann.  She got another swim suit.  A nice purple one.  After supper, I went up for the Mon. night crib games.  We play 5 games for $1.00 and the 3 top & the lowest score get the money split between them.  I usually will win two or three games and then lose 1 or 2 so badly that I am right out of the running, just like tonight.  Crib breaks up about 9PM.  Sheila was watching D. with S. till 10 so I went over & sat with the kitties till 10 & watched Larry’s TV.  Then Sheila & I went over to watch “Scorpion” & “Castle” which I had set to record on Larry’s DVD.