Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wed 8 April Day 87

  54 F @ 9:30, clear & sunny, no wind, 70 @ 12:45

The storm is over after terrorizing LA.  On the late night news they had a long segment on storm problems. They received a 4 hour downpour before it stopped and got ½ inch of rain causing car accidents & other traffic problems. It showed the puddles people had to negotiate. They even reported and showed people getting out umbrella’s and  one person who made a temporary garbage bag rain suit--this on the main NBC LA news at 11:00!  They just don’t know how to handle rain down here.  The tiniest bit of rain will cause their storm drains to overflow!!

Other than being cool it looks like a normal clear blue sky sunny day here in the morning.  It was nice in the pool, the water was lovely & warm, the sun was out & no wind except for the odd, very light, gust every so often. We still are getting about a dozen players out.  After the usual Hot tub we came back to the RV for lunch.  Sheila went out shopping & I made a list of things to do for packing up to leave this Sunday.  After supper Larry & Judy came over for Bridge and we had an Orange Crush cake Sheila got – nice & moist. I didn’t notice an Orange Crush flavour but it was good, though not as good as the 7 Up cake she got for Spud Night.  It had a tasty lemony flavour.

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