Friday, April 10, 2015

Thurs 9 April Day 88

57 F @ 9 AM, 66 F by 10:15,  clear & sunny, a little wind

Sheila is going up to the pool for the game but I have to wait by the RV for a propane delivery truck to come & fill my tank.  It’s a nuisance waiting but it is preferable to unhooking everything & putting stuff away so that I can drive out to a station and then return & re-hook-up etc.  I took the time to check tire pressure, put away tire sun covers, stow some assorted things, etc. Sheila got back from the pool & said she had a very good game.  Now, with fewer players she’s getting the ball a lot more frequently & it’s really helping her game.  She says it’s difficult to improve when other players don’t pass you the ball!  I checked back & out of our 58 days at GVP I have missed 4 games in the pool counting today, March 1, 11, 16 & April 9; I will have to try to do better next year.    The propane truck finally arrived about 2:00 so that is done. We went to Emilio’s for our last Happy Hour; there were about a dozen there and the free appetizers were just as good as ever!  Sheila says she’s really going to miss them even tho they’re playing havoc with her waistline!  Back at the RV I was tired so had a nap as did Sheila.  Then, just some TV for the evening

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