Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wed 15 April Day 94

 Very windy in Willows but sunny

We pulled out of the Willows Walmart at 9:20 @ 40169 Miles.  There is a lot of wind on the hwy but it is coming from the front quarter drivers side so it doesn’t affect the driving – much.  We stopped at the Mt Shasta rest area, (11:05 to 11:15) for Sheila to walk a bit to unstiffen, and then we were off again. Then, a lunch stop at the Weed, CA rest area from 12:25 to 1:00.  The dash thermometer was reading 49 F and it was still a bit windy. We are up a bit, maybe 3000 feet more or less.  We actually turned on the RV heater for a bit while driving. We noticed that going north you get a better view of Mt Shasta than southbound. We crossed into Oregon at 1:45 and started up the Siskiyou Pass.  The hill going down is a lot longer than going up because going up from the south you are already quite high and on the north side you go down to low elevation.  It is a 6% grade, one for 8 miles or more and others of 2 miles.  I put the RV in the “tow/haul” mode and just coasted down.  It kept the speed reasonable and didn’t rev too high, around 3500 rpm all the way down.  I did hit the brakes twice when I was catching up on a slow truck & there was a car beside me. I couldn’t get out to pass the slow truck in time to not run into him, so I braked.

We arrived at 7 Feathers RV Park at 3:50 pm @ 40462 miles.  After getting our spot, hooking up, having Tea, we went to the indoor swimming pool & hot tub for a swim, (Sheila) & relaxing soak, both of us.  Then it’s supper in the rig followed by TV, planning, & journal writing.

Distance – 293 miles – on road time – 5 hours 45 minutes

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