Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thurs 2 April Day 81

 8;30 it’s 61 with a slight but coolish breeze.

Up for the game as usual. We had lots of good volleys today.  It looks like the best configuration is 4 in front, (at the net), 2 in the middle & 3 across the back. That way no one is blocking a person behind and everyone has a clear view ahead. After lunch in the RV, I dismantled the Sat Dish so it could be stored for the trip home.  It is all in the RV & car trunk.  Then we headed out about 2:45 for Happy Hour at Emilio’s. We had a great crowd--about 24.  Got gas for the Focus on route back & Sheila wanted to stop at a small Taco restaurant that advertised Flans.  They were sort of OK but I wouldn’t buy them there again.  Sheila said she would, though she’d like a bit more caramel sauce for the flan.  Back at the RV, Sheila is taking a short nap & I am heading out for Mexican Train Domino’s night.  No luck, I lost my quarter, & didn’t win or come second in any of the 3 games we played. Then--back to the RV for TV – “Blacklist” & “Elementary”.

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