Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mon 6 April Day 85

At   9:45  it's 61 F

The TV forecast for LA area has strong winds, cooler temps, starting late Mon through to Fri & rain for Tues/Wed.  Monday morning is cooler than normal for the time of day but still pleasant.  On TV yesterday they said humidity was 17% which sounds low but I don’t know what our humidity at home is generally, I would think a lot higher. 

We went up for the game.  The crowd is dwindling.  We had a total of 9 to start but soon we got up to 7 or 8 a side.  The wind was gusting a little and it was a bit cool, so the hot tub at noon felt really great, but no one quit early.  Lunch was in the RV, we made ham, (leftover), & cheese sandwiches grilled in the sandwich grill we got for $2.00 at the White Elephant sale--it works really well.  Sheila is off out again & I am puttering in the RV catching up on journals, maps, route planning etc.  After supper, (more leftover ham), we went over to Larry & Judy’s RV, (they were out & left us their key), to watch some shows they recorded for us.  Sheila came back for D. with S. & I stayed to watch a cpl other shows then back to the RV for Castle at the end of D. with S.  The weather forecast is for cooler days in the high 60’s and possible rain by Tues night.  

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