Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sat 4 April Day 83

We went up for the usual game and when it was over at noon it was mentioned that a second game for someone’s grand-kids would run at 2 PM.  So I had my hot tub & sat in the sun.  Sheila meanwhile went back to the RV and brought our laundry up. We played a bit at 2:00 in the 2nd pool but not many were there for the game so we basically batted the ball around between the kids.  Sheila got laundry going & I eventually went over to wait for it to finish & move it to the dryer while Sheila went out to get some groceries.  She returned just as the dryer finished & helped fold & hang the clothes.  Then, finally I got back to the RV for supper about 5:30 after leaving at 10 in the morning!  We made supper then went out to the 99 cent store to get Larry a card for his birthday, (today). Back to the RV for TV to round out the evening.  

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