Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fri 10 April Day 89

  60 F @ 9 AM,  64 F @ 10 AM,   clear & sunny

I am off to the pool while Sheila wants to check out a Line Dancing class at the Simpson Centre which is the Hemet Senior Centre. It was OK; not for beginners but that was OK for Sheila. I went up to the pool & we had a good game.  Back to the RV for lunch & then some packing up jobs to do before heading out the Sizzler for supper followed by the Elks Friday dance, Larry Stevens is playing tonight. We headed out to Sizzler & Sheila had their all you can eat ribblets, I had the endless salad bar, (it has hot chicken wings potato wedges, onion rings,  soup, 2 pasta’s, & taco makings as well as all the reg salad stuff).  The ribletts were a section of short bone ribs together in sections in a nice BBQ sauce, not at all like the ribblets that Ken & I used to go to Applebees for out by Costco years ago. And it was an all you can eat for $10.99 special. After that we went to Mega Liquor so Sheila could buy some specialty flavoured Rum & Apple Pie Cream liquour.  Then we headed for the ELKS & had a nice evening listening to Larry Stevens and dancing a bit. Their drinks are $3.75, $1.75 for a can of pop.  Then, home for the night when Larry finished playing at 9:30, (as it’s a dinner dance he starts at 5:30).

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