Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tues 31 Mar Day 79

I lied yesterday, it hit  58 @ 8 AM,  72 @ 10 AM

The heat wave is dissipating a bit.  This morning we got up earlier in order to make the Breakfast club at the Early Bird Café at 8:30.  The temp inside was low so I turned on the furnace for the first time in over a week.  The outside temp was 58 at 8 AM & rose to 72 by 10 AM.  I went over to feed kitty cats before the breakfast event.  The volleyball is still going strong with about 9 a side to play.  After the game & stuff we came back to the RV and then went over to Gordon & Lynn’s.  He is giving me his Shaw Starchoice satellite dish and all the wires etc to hook it up.  I also bought off him the PVR he uses to record shows when he is down here for $50.00.  That way I don’t have to unhook mine from home.  I will have to get some help from a couple of our Dogwood Roamers group to do a test run once I’m home on one of our RV trips.  Larry & Judy got back from Yuma where they were visiting friends just after noon while we were over at Gordon’s rig.  They said it was 100 F every day down there.  Nobody cooks until it cools down at night; they went out for 2 meals every day.  Sheila went out late afternoon and is going to pick up some Chinese take-out for supper from a place we discovered on a previous trip where, for under $10.00, you get enough for a big meal for us both with leftovers.  Nothing planned for this evening, probably just some TV.


  1. Wow, that sounds like a great deal - does that mean you won't need to record as many shows at home?

    1. Yes & No, it will be great when we are somewhere I can set it up but in between while travelling I still will need to record at home. It take a bit of time & effort to set it up - I think - it's not something I can do in a few minutes for a one night stop.
