Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fri 17 April Day 96

 Cold during the night but clear sky & sun is warming things

We were late up & slow because we decided that we’d stick around for the lodge lunch, (11 to 2).  I had a Taco salad and I ordered the large for 8.50 instead of the regular for 7.50.  It was a larger taco shell which was full to the top so there was a lot of ground beef, it was good! Sheila had a sandwich of chicken & prime rib with a side of tater tots.  Also very good!  She brought ½ the sandwich and tater tops home for supper tonight.  We pulled out of Kelso Elks @ 1:30 @ 40711 miles.  At 2 pm the traffic came to a stop, then a slow crawl.  We got to the accident site, a small car was sideways to traffic flow with the front up on the cement median barrier and it looked like it had been rolled and maybe run over by one of the stopped trucks.  I couldn’t see an undamaged spot anywhere.  I wouldn’t think anyone got out alive.  I could see some sheets spread around the front seat area, usually the indication there had been a body covered there. We cleared traffic and were rolling again by 2:20.  We stopped for gas @ 40771 from 3:05 to 3:20 at the Tumwater Pilot at  exit 99.  We encountered more traffic jams and backups getting to the Casino but arrived @ 4:50 @ 40822.   We went into the casino to look around.  No deals on food as it is a Friday night so everything is more. Their fancy buffet, The Spice Garden was $19.00 Mon to Thurs but Fri, Sat, Sun it’s $25.00, presumably because they bring in more Seafood on those days.  Sheila saw a line up at a show lounge and asked what it was for.  It is for a free Rolling Stones Tribute band. People were lined up an hour & a half ahead of time.  We came back to the RV for a supper of left over Sheila’s Elks lunch and a free Sub we got for using our Flying J/Pilot charge card, just a 6 inch but we could have anyone we wanted.  After supper Sheila went back to the Casino to try the free $5.00 credit we each got for signing up for a players card.

Distance – 111 miles  on road time – 3 hour 5 minutes - that’s less then 37 mph

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