Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tues 7 April Day 86

   50 F @ 8:00,  62 F @ 10:15,   72 F @ 12:45

So far, it’s only a little cooler here, and we still have mostly clear blue skies & sun though, there is a bit of wind. We went to the Seven Hills Golf Club for Breakfast Club. Even that is down in numbers.  We often get 20 or more, but today, we only had 9.  I dropped Sheila off at the pool and I went back to the RV to drop off the car & change into my swim suit. We managed to have 14 to 15 people in the pool for the game today, but each day someone says, “Good bye, see you next year”.  It was quite cool in the pool today because there was a bit of a cool breeze, the sun was often behind clouds & the water temp was down because the pool had been emptied & was filling up with water that wasn’t quite as hot as yesterday’s.  Almost everyone was complaining about being cold, but no one wanted to quit!  Crazy people!

Back at the RV, we won’t have lunch--partly because of our big breakfast, and, partly because we are headed for a big dinner at the Asian Seafood Buffet in Murrieta near Temecula.  As I type, Sheila is catching a nap before we leave.  (She was up late two nights in a row watching reruns of ‘Friends).  We got some of Williams’s trains at Toys R Us which was just a few hundred yards from the Asian Buffet.  It was great, I ate nothing but seafood, OK I did get some mushrooms, ice cream & a creamy coffee cake that was delicious, but mostly seafood.  Tuesday is half price day for seniors so we got a feast for a real cheap price, $7.00 for the buffet each. Back at the RV it has clouded over quite thick clouds but not a lot of wind and no rain so far. when I went to bed just after 11:00.   Sheila reported that it stated raining about 11:45 and came down quite hard for a while.

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