Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sat 11 April Day 90

  59 F @ 9 AM,        clear blue sky & sunny

Off to our last water volleyball game for the season. We had 6 to a side for a while then more came so we got up to 8 a side and had a good game.  We went back to the RV for lunch & to start packing up a bit.  We got some stuff put away but some things are needed for the morning plus I don’t want to unhook power, water etc till the morning.  Sheila went out to the 99 cent store & Winco for last minute stuff & I have prepared food ready for a stir fry supper, after which we may have time for some Bridge with Larry & Judy.  Sheila got back; we had supper and time for Bridge.  We played 4 hands and changed partners so everyone played with everyone.  Then, to end the evening, we had a dessert snack of fruit salad & a loaf Sheila had got at the 99 cent store.  It was very good & just the right amount for 4 people.

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