Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fri 3 April Day 82

 60 @ 8:45, clear & no breeze at all, @ 10:15 it’s 72

Another lovely day.  Up to the pool for the game, then back to RV for lunch; then Sheila’s off on some shopping errands & to get her nails done. This afternoon, some volleyballers grandkids are here so there is a volleyball game set for 2 PM for them.  Some of us will go to the pool to play.  (The morning game is restricted to players over 12 yrs., but any other time is open to everyone regardless of age, you just need to be about 4 feet tall so your head is above water). I got to the pool at 2:10 but no one was there.  I guess they changed their mind about playing.  Back at the RV I puttered around until Sheila came home, then we went out to the Elks Dinner Dance at 5:00, Ronda & Showdown were playing 6:30 – 9:30 pm.  We had dinner, (Sheila had the prime rib special – full meal, soup & salad bar etc for just under $15.00, I had a flat iron steak which I had not heard of but it was a very good cut, but cheaper than the prime rib), right away so we’d be ready to dance as soon as the music started. They are a good band, they play lots of our kind of danceable music & because all three of them are excellent musicians, they’re also great to just listen to.  We left a few minutes early, so were home by 9:30ish.  Sheila watched the premiere & second show of a new dramedy called “Younger”.  She quite liked it, & was disappointed to find out we will not be able to get it at home as it’s on a channel. (“TV Land”) which is not available there.

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