Sunday, March 5, 2017

Day 14 Wednesday March 1

Today is potluck breakfast beside Les & Kevin’s rig.   We got together for breakfast with Les, Dorothy, Kevin, Leslie, Sandy, Heather and Kitty.  After a leisurely breakfast of pancakes, sausages, fried egg mixture, bacon, and our hash browns with a side of fried onions & red pepper we went down to the pool area.  We went into the pool and after about a half hour I put my hand in my swim suit pocket and came out with my car keys.  The key is no problem but the fob that opens & locks doors & the hatchback could be.  I put it out to dry in the sun and eventually we tried it and no problem, it worked fine.   Sheila left to go up to the big hall for some line dancing lessons.  I stayed in the sun for a while then went into the computer room for a while, checked email. One email was my bill from my Flying J/Pilot charge card. It was for $503.00 US $.  Right now I have about the same amount of gas in the tank as I had when we left home so the cost of gas to get south is about $500.00, and that’s at $2.20 to $2.40 US for a US gallon, (about 80-82 cents a litre Cdn). I sat in the sun some more & then headed back to the RV. The hall Sheila was at is only about a half block from the dry camp area so she just walked home to the RV.

We had supper and then went down to Phyllis & Jays Park Model for a social evening along with our entire crowd, (see breakfast list). It was a pleasant visit, then home for the night.  Sheila really enjoyed the space & brightness of the park model after the confines of our RV, (especially when one is trying to conserve electricity by only having two or three lights on at a time.

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