Thursday, March 16, 2017

day 26 Monday March 13

Another clear & hot day.  I met up with Larry at 9:30 and we drove down to the Costco in Temecula to pick up the dessert cakes & dinner rolls for tonight’s event.  I had a Costco Strawberry Sunday, they are twice the size as back home and cost about $1.75, well worth it. Then we drove back arriving home around noon, we dropped off the cakes at the main hall.  It was hot in the RV so I started up the A/C and it cooled it from 93 down to the high 70’s, Fahrenheit of course. Sorry but it is a major nuisance to change Fahrenheit to Celsius so you are stuck with me quoting Fahrenheit.  Sheila went up to the afternoon W VB game and I stayed at the RV to dig out St Patrick’s Day stuff and do some assorted odd jobs. At 5 PM we headed out to the big hall for the St. Patrick’s Day event. Lots of food, I even brought some corned beef home for tomorrow, maybe Judy K would like some.   It was a fun evening and back to RV by 8 PM. Sheila had helped out with the set up & a bit of clean up so she was tired & lay down for a nap a bit after 8 PM. We watched a PBS show on the Carpenters, very interesting and fun to watch & listen to their music.

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