Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day 31 Saturday March 18

Judy made it down for the Pickle Ball and was able to get in to play.  Sheila & I skipped WVB this morning to go out for some assorted supplies & stuff.   We came back for lunch with Judy in the RV then we went to the afternoon WVB game 1:30 to 3:30.  We had a good game; all 3 of us got some good hits & didn’t mess up too often. Then hot tub, shower & back to RV to change for the Elks St. Pat’s Day dinner dance. Social hour starts at 5, dinners at 6 & dancing at 7. We got there about 5:30 and got a table with 5 others, one of which was the Exalted Ruler and her husband. It was a nice meal—corned beef & cabbage, potatoes & carrots followed by a delicious Key Lime Pie.  Unfortunately for Sheila, Judy, the Exalted Ruler & her husband, they ran out of the Key Lime pie before they finished their meals, so they did not get any!  Instead they got a large scoop of mixed Sorbet with whipped cream which they enjoyed.  The music was by “Leather & Lace,” a husband & wife who started singing & playing part way through dinner which was nice.   We stayed to dance until the last number at around 9:30.  They played music from the 50’s & 60’s, just like Larry Stevens used to do, although they weren’t as good as he is, however, we enjoyed it all--a tiring but fun day!  Enroute home we dropped Judy at the Motel and came home to tidy & do the journal.

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