Sunday, March 26, 2017

Day 37 Friday March 24

Turned out nice & sunny & clear after a cool to cold night.  I went up to morning WVB and Sheila joined in later and we had a good time, then hot tub then lunch, (more leftovers from our Chinese take out). Even with all our game playing exercise the meals here still are larger than one person can eat.  After lunch we went up for afternoon WVB & then back to the RV to get ready to go to the Elks Lodge for their Friday dinner dance event starting at 5 PM. Judy took the car back to the Motel to change and will be back at 5 to head to the Elks. It’s a rough life here but we struggle on with it. Judy was late and arrived about 5:20.  Off to the Elks.  It was packed!  Fortunately we’d made reservations so we had a table.  We waited for the dinner menu to arrive then ordered dinner which took quite a while to arrive. But we had ourselves and the other people at the table to talk to. Then the music and singer started about 6:30.  His name is Ambrose and he is really good, he has a terrific voice.  He does Chuck Berry songs like Chuck Berry & he did Delilah just like Tom Jones--very enjoyable. The music went to 9:30.  We left & stopped at Walgreens Drug Store to get some cold meds for Sheila, then dropped Judy at the Motel and home to rest up for tomorrow. 

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