Thursday, March 23, 2017

Day 33 Monday March 20

Awoke to solid overcast & cooler weather.  Not all that cold but into the high 60’s F in the morning so a big difference from the 80 & 90 F degree heat we have had.  We had some errands to run so we went out to a Bath, Bed & Beyond for something Judy needed for home but couldn’t find there and then, as it was noonish, we went to find a restaurant we remembered from years previously.  We sort of knew where it was but couldn’t remember the name.  We guessed right & when we saw the name “J and M Family Restaurant” we knew it.  They have great food at great prices, I had my usual there – the rib special. It comes with salad or soup, choice of potato and dessert all for $8.99. The soup was asparagus which Sheila had and I tried it, delicious.  We came out of the restaurant and the sun was out and it was getting warmer.  Back to GVP and Judy went to check out the Majong game, she stayed to play and we came back to the RV and changed for the pool.  We got about 14 people out by around 2 PM and had a good game.  Then Hot tub and back to RV for supper of leftovers from our meals out – I usually finish everything but Sheila & Judy always have leftovers to bring home. Then Sheila gets to watch Dancing with the Stars premier show while Judy & I go the cribbage game event that runs every Monday evening at 7 PM.  After the game, back at the RV, Sheila was still watching the 2 hour opening event, (8 to 10).  We let Judy take the car to drive back to the Motel but she has to be back by 8:15 AM tomorrow to pick us up for the Tuesday “Breakfast Club” at the La Fogata restaurant.     

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