Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 18 Sunday March 5

A bit overcast & cooler, I haven’t got the outside thermometer set up yet but in the RV with no heat on at night it was 59 F when I got up.  We went up for water volleyball.  With it being a bit cloudy, some wind and lower temperatures than normal, we only had about 16 people out. However in the pool it was nice & warm, so no problem. After the hot tub session, we headed back to the RV for lunch and then Sheila went to Larry & Judy’s to watch some of the Oscar shows that they had recorded & saved for her. It got cloudier as the day progressed and finally started to rain. I puttered around in the RV, nice & warm catching up on stuff like my journal, blog, and expenses. We have had trouble getting the oven to light so Judy Shaffer is loaning us the toaster oven from their Park Model home that she doesn’t use much, so that took care of that. Tonight was bridge night at the club house. We had enough for 4 tables. We start at 6:30 and play 4 hands & then change tables.  It’s $1.00 per person with the money going to prizes.  We finished about 10:00 and came back home for the night. Sheila & I had a terrible night as far as trying to get a suit match: when we did get the contract one of us would be short on trump, like 1 or 2 trump cards. We weren’t last, but close to it.  

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