Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 29 Thursday March 16

Still sunny & hot.  Didn’t see Judy until the 10:30 WVB game. We had a good game; I think I am improving a bit.  Sheila is improving even faster she got some great shots in.  Back at the RV we all 3 had lunch then Judy & I went out to do a bit of shopping for assorted supplies.  Sheila went up late for the 1:30 W VB game. After we returned, Judy made us a taco supper using soft tacos which you can put stuff into & roll up. We ate outside as it was very pleasant.  Then, off to the Mexican Train Dominos game at 7 PM.  It went to around 9 pm or so, then I drove Judy to the Motel and made sure she got in the door OK, (the door has an electronic key but the green light that indicates it is unlocked is sporadic and it can take several tries to get the door open). Back at the RV to catch up on journal entries & blog postings. 

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