Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 35 Wednesday March 22

I’m feeling a bit better and found we had some cold remedies so I took some Cold FX & another type of cold prevention gel cap with my morning coffee & am feeling much better but I will take an off day today.  It is cloudy but no rain, sun coming out and warming nicely.  I walked up to the office to order the Propane truck for tomorrow to come & fill my tank. When I got back I was feeling tired so I lay down around 11 AM and stayed there most of the afternoon. I think Sheila went up for afternoon volleyball.  It is nice & sunny now around 3:45. Sheila had been in the pool & said she had a wonderful game because there weren’t too many people in the pool, so she got lots of chances to get the ball and pass it around. Judy came back from a trip to her motel room and we decided to go out for Chinese at the take out place, (they do have tables for eat-in), that we have used before, Mr Woo’s Chinese, cheap prices, generous servings. Sheila & I got one box with 2 entrées and we brought a bunch home.  Judy got chow mien & rice & one entre and brought some back. Both Sheila & Judy went to the advertised Gospel sing in the ballroom but it was cancelled, no explanation so Judy went of to play Hand & Foot which, as I said earlier, (I think), they play completely different rules here so I am not interested in confusing myself, (anymore than I already am). 

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