Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day 39 Sunday March 26

Slightly cloudy today but still nice.  Judy & I did the morning W VB game but Sheila rested.  At noon the plan was to go to the Hong Kong restaurant across the road from GVP entrance but Sheila opted out to rest and asked for a bowl of Won Ton soup brought back.  We went over & had one of the many $6.95 lunch specials; it came with hot & sour soup, and a large lunch plate.  It was filling. Back at the RV there was no afternoon W VB.  Other Judy & Elaine came over & asked if Judy K & I wanted to play Jokers & Pegs which I had mentioned that I wanted to get Judy K to learn. So we played in the afternoon.  For supper Sheila, Judy & I went out to Angies for supper.  I had the ribs of course.  Then it was back to GVP for the Sunday evening Bridge game. Sheila wasn’t up to playing so I partnered Judy K.  We only had 2 tables and Judy & I came in second and won $1.50 each.  After the game, Judy was feeling tired so I drove her back to Motel 6 & came home.  Sheila & I watched some TV and turned in. 

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