Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 30 Friday March 17

The usual weather--just another sunny & hot day.  We did WVB in the morning and then lunch of our leftover homemade Taco’s in the RV. Sheila went to the afternoon WVB while Judy & I retrieved some of her stuff from the Motel Room.  Then at 4 pm, Mike & Elaine, Larry & Judy, & the 3 of us went off to the Knights of Columbus lodge for their Spaghetti dinner. It was a good deal, for $8.00 you got bread & butter, spaghetti, meat balls, salad, & ice cream, plus there was iced tea & hot coffee included.  I bought 50/50 tickets and a day later I got a phone message that I won - $28.00, a nice win that more than paid for supper.   Afterwards, we came back to GVP for the Mocktails party.  They supplied the mixer plus nachos and entertainment, you supplied the booze. So, a free party for me.  The mixer was 2 choices, a blend of cranberry & other juices or a mango/OJ/7 Up mix.  The entertainment was a local group of seniors who sang to 50’s music and were great--they did them in the same style and tempo as the originals.  They put on a great show.  They will be coming again next Friday and doing a “country” show—lots of line dancing for Sheila, and  Judy, if she decides to forgo Shuffleboard for the party.  The show ran from 6 to 8 pm. 

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