Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day 40 Monday March 27

Overcast in the early morning but by volleyball time it had changed to just cloud & sun with little to no wind.  Sheila skipped the game as she is still stuck with the sinus/whatever, thing plugging her up.  Larry Schaffer dropped by with an offer of chairs that he was getting rid of and I accepted them all, (4), as they will be handy around home in the summer and extra chairs for the RV for company. We went out to Winco and then Sheila went for a nail job and I visited with Larry & Judy while other Judy was at the Majong game.  Tonight it’s leftover Ribs & stuff from Angies for supper then Cribbage in the shuffleboard building. I actual won 3rd place & got $2.50 back, that’s 150% profit!

1 comment:

  1. Sheila, if you're still stuffed up, what about trying a Neti Pot to rinse your sinuses? I bought ours from Shoppers.

