Monday, March 14, 2011

Sat Mar 12 - A line dance lesson from Sheila and the Sat night dance

Mar 12 Sat Day 54 - a hot, sunny day, although forecast only 68, should be in upper 70’s

W.VB then after lunch at home, Sheila looked up the steps to the Electric Slide line dance and took Judy, Larry & me over to the ballroom to teach it to us. I am still not getting the sequence right so we will see at tonight’s dance. While up near the office I paid my month’s electric bill, it was $23.27, lower even than last years $25. We then went to Wal-Mart to return the salad spinner that we bought that turned out to have slots in the bottom of the outer bowl so that any water from spinning anything ran straight out. You would have to use it in the sink—ridiculous! Enroute home Sheila convinced me that we should go to the KFC buffet for supper. They have original, extra crispy & baked chicken as well as extra stuff. When we got back to the RV at 6 pm, we were both tired, so I had a quick nap and we ended up getting to the dance late at 8 pm. By then there was no one on the door, so no charge. Rockin’ Rhonda had a sax player as well this week & was really rocking. Often the floor was full of us old folks jiving & twisting away. I tried the line dancing to music at full speed with somewhat lack lustre results, my brain can’t tell my feet which way to go fast enough for me to do it & keep pace with the dance. Back at the RV we watched some footage of Friday’s tsunami resulting from a 8.9 earthquake at sea as it rolled across Japan destroying buildings, bridges, cars & boats. There is going to be a great loss of life, they think.

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