Monday, March 7, 2011

Mar 4 Friday Volley Ball Happy Hour Day

Mar 4 Fri Day 46 sunny & warm

Up & off to W.VB but after the hot tub session we came back to RV for a light lunch & for Sheila to prepare her contribution to the big W.VB Happy Hour. She made one of Judy Krar’s Sunset Gourmet cheese balls and the cheesy bacon dip. We also wanted to try to Skype Adeline which worked OK. The picture stuttered a bit & the call got dropped once but we had a nice talk with her & Mikaela and got to see them & Erica. Afterwards we went to the happy hour at Bob & Cheryl’s RV which had overflowed onto the road by the time we got there about 2:45. It was supposed to start at 2:30 so I think a lot of people got there early. There were lots of goodies and someone said there were 60 people there. Water Volley Ball is popular here! The park manager Michael dropped by to say they were putting lights in for the sand volley ball & what did we think of lights for night time water VB, everyone cheered. We left after 5:00 and came back to the RV to get ready for the drop-in Shuffleboard at 6:30. I went, Sheila stayed home to watch “Defenders” and catch up on journal entries, email, etc. I won my money back ($1:00) & made 60 cents more. Back at the RV, I checked the blog and Adeline was able to post the video I could not get to load, I just had to add the title to the post.

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