Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mar 15 Tuesday - bridge & cell phone observations

Mar 15 Tues Day 57 some thin cloud, calm, sunny & hot, forecast high 74

After W.VB we sat in the sun and then returned to RV for lunch and another Skype attempt to Adeline, Mikaela & Erica. All went well. It is really great seeing them & talking face to face. Sheila went out grocery shopping with Judy. When they returned we went to Larry & Judy’s to see some photos of the hikes Larry has been going on in our & Palm Springs areas. Sheila said the car dashboard temp readout was 29 C which is 84 F at 4:15 this afternoon. Supper was followed by a bridge game in Room “B” in the clubhouse. We played 6 hands, then changed partners for the next 6 hands, then again so we played with each person as a partner. We kept tabs of the scores to see who the top player was. Tonight it was me. I bought some more minutes for the phone, I paid $20 for 60 minutes plus 90 more days of usage. They gave me a bonus 60 mins so I got 120 mins and the phone is good to Dec 14 this year. One more $20 purchase of 60 minutes/90 days & it’ll be good into next year’s trip and as the phone itself cost about $20 I can’t lose and I won’t have to get a new phone number and activate a new phone next year.

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