Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mar 11 Fri - Dinner Theatre tonight

Mar 11 Fri another hot, sunny day, although forecast only 68, should be in upper 70’s

We got up early for the waffles, strawberries, whipped cream & bacon breakfast here. But we first went to Larry & Judy’s to try out Larry’s blood sugar meter. According to a chart the reading before breakfast should be 80 to 120, I came in at 116 and Sheila was 107 so all is good. After breakfast it’s W.VB time. We had lunch at the cabana & listened to Pat Young singing. A trip to the 99 cent store and then Sheila is off to get artificial nails again. She says it’s cheap, a full set for $18.00. Back home it’s $40-50 for a set. I went to the Friday afternoon wine & cheese welcome party and ran into a woman (Eileen) who knows Sheila from the Learning Disabled Association years ago. Back to the RV to get ready for tonight’s Dinner Theatre, the premiere of the play “Who’s on First” and it is a comedy of course. They had the singer performing before the play as usual, but they announced that it was “Chewy’s” twin brother “Jesse”. He was just as good as “Chewy”, of course, because it was just a name change but a neat way to announce it. The dinner this year was not as good as it has been other years, (not as much meat), & the play although well-acted was a series of skits & not as entertaining as ones we’ve seen with more of a plot. Back at the RV we found that the recording on the VCR is rolling and there isn’t a “vertical” control. The VCR plays an old tape from home OK, but anything new it doesn’t, so I guess it is the recording heads that are the problem.

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