Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mar 10 Thursday, almost a non-stop day of fun

Mar 10 Thurs Forecast high 71 but much hotter, a clear calm day

A busy day. We start by getting up early to be at the breakfast club café by 8:30.We go to the appropriately named “Early Bird Cafe”. The breakfast club used to be the bicycle to breakfast club but the regulars don’t ride bikes anymore, the traffic has got too heavy for a group riding, a lot of roads are now 4 lane with little to no shoulder,and the leader, Dick, is an ex Seattle police officer so if he says it isn't safe, it isn't. Sheila had some multi grain pancakes & really liked them, they even had walnut pieces, I tried them & they were really good. We returned to RV to quickly change into swim gear for W.VB. At the hot tub I ran into Graham Jarvis & his wife Joanne whom I used to work with in Customs. Rush back to RV for a quick lunch and off to the ballroom dancing lessons 1:15 to 2:15. The class went really well for everyone this week. Everything we learned last week, began to “click” today. Then back to the RV & after a short break, (45 min.), it was time to head for Emilio’s Mexican restaurant for their Thursday Happy Hour, we, (us & Larry & Judy), left GVP about 3:10 as Emilio’s is on San Jacinto a couple of miles into town. There were about 20 people there when we arrived—many of them water volleyballers. We had to sit at a separate table, but were soon joined by Joannie, Jo-Anne & their husbands. I can see why they go there every week. Margaritas were only $2.50 & this includes 1 complimentary plate of appetizers per person, plus all the tortilla chips & salsa you can eat. Bren tried a non-alcoholic Mexican drink called a Horchata, (rice milk, sugar & vanilla), and, after he’d ordered 3, discovered that he’d only been charged $2.25 for 1, i.e. refills are free. Don’t know how they manage to make any money! At about 5:30 a 4 piece Mariachi band came to entertain us. They did a really good rendition of Spanish Eyes, Margarita Ville & several others. We left just before 6, because our table was needed for a 6 o’clock reservation. At home, Bren went off to Mexican Trains & I opted to stay in tonight to do my Activity chart & watch TV. I did great at Mexican Trains, of the 13 games, (double 12 down to double 0); I went out 5 times & also won the low score. To start everyone puts in 50 cents, (6 players), if you go out you get 20 cents and low score at the end wins the remaining pot. I tripled my money, almost, 50 cents in, and $1.40 out.

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