Tuesday, March 8, 2011

oops, discovered Feb 25 to 28 never got posted so here they are

I don't know what happened. It was a busy 3 days.

Feb 25 Fri Day 39 heavy overcast, sprinkles during night, colder, sun breaking through

We went up to the ballroom for the Palms Café breakfast, French toast, bacon, apple sauce, OJ, cranberry juice & coffee for $4.00. Sun is trying to break through the cloud cover, but it is still quite cool to cold out in the air, so we may skip W.VB today. Around 10:45, the sun finally made it through, so we headed poolside for the last hour of WVB. There were 22 people playing. Some had started at 9:45! Crazy people!!! Back at the RV to have lunch & catch up on blog. We got a phone call from the office that a letter had arrived. Vicki sent it Feb 21 according to postmark so it made it in 4 days. It is starting to rain a bit now, the forecast for Sat is rain & cooler.

Feb 26 Sat Day 40 - Rain all night & morning, stopped by noon some breaks in the cloud

Got up, had breakfast and off to the Cribbage tournament at 9AM, entry fee $1.00. We played 7 games, each one with a different partner. I won only 1 game and had a low of 55 on one game. The winner had 7 perfect 121 games, prize was $30.00. Back for lunch and tried a Skype call but it kept dropping the call. Adeline said she was having some connection problem, so that, coupled with the fact we are on WiFi which can fluctuate, is probably the problem. I phoned them on our US cell as it cost only about 11 cents a minute instead of Fido’s long distance & roaming charges up to $1.75 a minute. That 11 cents is for any call, across the road, across the continent, or another country. USA cell phone service makes Canadian cell service a major rip-off. For $20 I can buy 60 minutes & 90 days service added to the phone that cost $20.00 to buy. So, a full year would be 20 for the phone and four 90 day plans for $80.00 to get the year & 240 minutes. And the last 90 plan I got they added 100 bonus minutes to the 60. My Canadian cell , (three of them for me Sheila & Ken), cost over $100 every month. Something is wrong here with CDN service. Sheila went out to get her nails done; I puttered on the computer and made up one of my special bean/chilli/wiener casseroles for supper. Tonight we have a table of 8 for the Neil Diamond tribute concert held for us so we don’t have to get there really early; it’s us, Larry & Judy plus water volley ball couples. The concert was great, the back up band was really good; they had drums, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, and one player who did keyboards & sax and they played for close to 2 hours. GVP provided cheese & crackers, popcorn and several boxes of wine, Sheila headed for the Sangria, - just one 8 oz glass though. I bought a CD by the group, 19 Neil Diamond songs, for $10.

Feb 27 Sun Day 41 Very cold at night, clear blue sky, no wind, bright sun

After a cold night, despite the sun, the morning was still chilly. About 10:30 I went over to the pool and sure enough there were lots of players there. Once in the warm water and with no breeze at all it was fine. After lunch I took the RV out for a propane refill, and Sheila went shopping. I got back & set the RV up & connected everything and did some cleaning in the rig, Sheila still out. Bob & Lois are coming over after their visit to the Wild Animal Park in Escondido. They arrived late afternoon and we sat in the RV chatting then went to J & M Family Restaurant for supper. We dropped them off at Motel 8 around 8 pm then went back to the RV for Sheila to watch the Oscars. Saw “The Kings Speech” win with best picture and best actor. We saw it in Hemet and thought it was really good.

Feb 28 Mon Day 42 sun & blue sky, warm, no breeze

Over at W.VB by 9:45 & Bob was in the pool, Lois went into the exercise pool. When Sheila came we all ended up on the same side & had a good game. After the game Bob & Lois came over to our RV & we had a nice lunch sitting outside in the sun. Then we got organized for the Fun Night starting about 5. We had a table of 8 organized & planned so everyone brought dish for a pot luck supper. The theme was joke night so people got up & told a joke and it was judged & prizes awarded. My joke won a free breakfast at Palms Café. Sheila read her joke, “Childbirth at 65” & tho she got a few laughs, she didn’t win anything. Fun Night ended around 8 so we returned to the RV to do the dishes from supper. We had extra because Sheila had made a nice Honey Lime Fruit Toss dessert that needed bowls so we supplied all the bowls, she also took her strawberry spinach salad. After the dishes, we watched our recorded Mon TV programs

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